Friday, June 13, 2008

Remembering the good ol' days

So a friend of mine sent me this video and it brought back major memories. Back in the day, Tyler Davis and I would bring our guitars to seminary and we would make up songs on the fly and then sing them to our women. In fact, we brought our guitars everywhere singing and playing and messing around. Tyler was always the real talented one and I was just the good looking side kick. So when you watch this clip, think of Tyler and I bringing the sexy tunes back, but this time to our wives.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Day 6 - Cancun, Mexico

On Friday we docked in Cancun, Mexico. The waters were probably the most beautiful we had seen on our trip. We quickly boarded a ferry and headed to the Tulum coast to see the Tulum ruins.

A bus took us out to the site. They were amazing. I have seen some ruins in Honduras and across the border of Belize in south Mexico, but I have never seen ruins on the coast like this. We had a guide that told us all about the area and traditions of Mayan people.

After the tour we took the bus to a small beach side club and restaurant called Ak’iin. We ate fajitas with rice and beans and then laid out on the beach. The water was so nice. We swam, read our books and bought two hammocks from a vendor walking down the coast. What a wonderful time we had. We got back on the ferry to return to the ship and the waters were rough. I was getting sick on the ferry. The ferry had trash cans in the aisle ways of the boat. I was on the aisle and this older lady got out of her seat and sat right in front and started throwing up in the trash can. I was dying. I almost lost it and then she finally sat back down. Once back on the cruise liner I was ok.