Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Lunch with Arun Nathani - Cybage CEO

Today we met with Arun Nathani the CEO of Cybage and Prashant Katikar, one of the Directors. We visited in his beautiful office for awhile and then headed out to lunch. Again, I thought lunch was amazing. We went to Le Meridien hotel. They had a buffet and it was great. They even had some beef. We talked politics and business then came back to the office. Arun has a global mind. My mind is almost always in stuck in the United States and Arun has his sights on the world. I'm sure outsourcing to counties all over the world helps. I learned a few things from Arun. As we talked, I asked him about the future of Cybage. He talked about building a stronger foundation to become a more scalable company. He talked about implementing processes and programs so that each customer has success with Cybage. CirclePix could use some of that advice. We discussed a lot of topics and I believe Arun is a deep thinker. Not only is he very smart and successful, he is a friendly guy. It was a pleasure to get to know him.

Lunch at Le Meridien hotel. From left to right - Arun, Prashant, Adam, Robert and Bryce

1 comment:

Tyler and Karen Davis said...

Dude, you guys are living the life. Royalty down there. Good to hear.