Saturday, August 9, 2008

Got Bunnies

Well I finally have some time to blog a little. I’m down in Las Vegas with our friends the Montgomerys. I just got back from the pool and thought I’d update our blog. In April the kids got bunnies. I was not to happy about that. We had bunnies growing up and two bunnies usually turn into 30 bunnies. Well we now have 4, one for each kid and the other day we found out that we have two male and two female. I think we are in trouble. Also, the other day Kayla ran into the house and said that the bunnies looked weird and sounded like geese.

1 comment:

April Cobb said...

My kids are BEGGING for any pet. I don't even want a goldfish! I can't even keep a house plant alive. You guys are so nice!! I guess if we change our mind, we know where we can go to pick up some pet rabbits in a few months.