Thursday, February 7, 2008

The gift of the Taj Mahal

When we returned to the office from lunch, Usha and Javed presented us with a couple of really cool gifts. One was a small marble model of the Taj Mahal in a blue velvet box. We had seen these models as we were shopping but none of us bought one. We were excited about the gift. I hope it will survive the plane ride home. They also gave us a Cybage pen and shirt. If I can talk Adam into it, there will be a picture of all three of us in our Cybage shirts coming soon.

We also started meeting with some of the department heads. Today we met with Prachi Bhruguwar, the head of the UI (User Interface) department. It was good to see the other things that Cybage could possibly do for us. The appointment seemed to spark some ideas in both Adam’s and my head. It looks like they have some nice systems in place to help customers with their user experiences.

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